ALLAIN BENONI son of Benjamin and Rose Bujold Married Marthe POIRIER
daughter of Hilaire and Angelique Dugas, on January 3, 1794 - Carleton

ALLAIN JEAN BAPTISTE son of Louis and Anne Leger
Baptized November 28, 1760 -

ALBERT JEAN son of Pierre and Genevieve Denis
Baptized April 17, 1782 - Born February 19, 1781 - Paspébiac

ALLAIN JOSEPH son of Francois and Catherine Huard -
Baptized April 17, 1782 - Born August 7, 1781 - Paspébiac

ALLAIN LOUIS son of Benjamin and Rose Bujold married Madeleine LEBLANC
daughter of (Jean) Baptiste and Marguerite Boudreau - September 20, 1794 - Carleton

ALLAIN PIERRE son of Francois and Catherine Huard
Baptized August 19, 1790 - Born May 28, 1790 - Carleton

ALLARD AUGUSTIN son of Charles and Agnes Comeau married Marguerite LEBLANC
daughter of Marin Pierre and Marguerite Leblanc, on November 12, 1792 – Carleton

ALLARD AUGUSTIN widower of Marguerite LEBLANC married Rose LANDRY
daughter of Claude and Helene Dugas – January 10, 1797 - Carleton

AMIRAULT JOSEPH son of Basile and Marguerite Doucet
Baptized October 15, 1774 - Born September 10, 1764 - Baie Sainte Marie

AMIREAU BASILE son of Jacques and Jeanne Iclor married Marguerite Doucet
daughter of Francois and Marguerite Sincennes October 18, 1774 - Baie Sainte Marie

ARBOUR JOSEPH son of Charlemagne and Angelique Babin
Baptized October 6, 1793 - Born September 19, 1793 - Paspébiac

ARSENEAU MARGUERITE LABLANCHE daughter of Joseph and Marguerite Bujold
Baptized July 21, 1793 - Born April 8, 1792 – Baie des Chaleurs

ARSENEAU MARIE JULIE daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Poirier
Baptized February 20, 1793 - Baie des Chaleurs

ARSENEAU CLEMENS son of Jean Pierre and Rose Labrie
Baptized November 24, 1791 - Born November 23, 1791 - Baie des Chaleurs

ARSENEAU ELIZABETH daughter of Jean and Elizabeth Bujold
Baptized April 15, 1775 - Born June 8, 1774

ARSENEAU FRANCOIS DIT BRÉLÉ Arsenault Died November 18, 1759
Husband of Anne Cyr - Funeral and Burial November 19, 1759 - Restigouche

ARSENEAU JOSEPH FREDERIQUE son of Joseph Arseneau dit Joson and Elizabeth Poirier
Baptized May 7, 1794 - Born May 6, 1794 - Carleton

ARSENEAU JOSEPH son of Charles and Anne Girouard
Baptized July 9, 1760 - Born October 16, 1759 – Restigouche

ARSENEAU JOSEPH son of Pierre and Marie Boudreau
Baptized May 9, 1760 - Born February 1, 1760 - Restigouche

ARSENEAU JUDITH daughter of Gregoire and Theotiste Bourg
Baptized October 6, 1793 - Born March 25, 1793- Paspébiac

ARSENEAU LOUIS son of Louis Arseneau and Madeleine Boudreau
Born September 27, 1760 – Restigouche

ARSENEAU MARGUERITE daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Poirier
Baptized March 25, 1792 - Born July 22, 1791 – Carleton

ARSENEAU SOPHIE MARIE daughter of Jean Pierre and Rose Labrie-Mignot -
Baptized May 16,1793 - Born May 15, 1793 - Carleton

ARSENEAU PIERRE son of Simon and Marie Melanson
Baptized October 28, 1792 - Born June 26, 1792 - Bathurst

ARSENEAU PIERRE son of Charles and Marguerite Poirier married Theotiste BOURGEOIS
daughter of Joseph and Marie Cyr July 28, 1760 - Restigouche

AUBUT FREDERIC son of Michel and Madeleine HUARD
Born March 13, 1795 – Grande Riviere

AUBUT MICHEL son of Francois and Louise Dupuis rehabilitation of his marriage to Madeleine HUARD
daughter of Jacques and Anne Duguay - September 17, 1793 - Grande Riviere

AUBUT MICHEL son of Michel and Madeleine Huard
Baptized September 10, 1793 - Born September 10, 1793 - Grande Riviere

AUBUT URSULE daughter of Michel and Madeleine HUARD
Born November 9, 1798 – Grande Riviere

AUDET ANGELIQUE daughter of Joseph and Scholastique Leblanc
Baptized October 20, 1793 - Born September 4, 1793 - Carleton

AUDET AUGUSTIN son of Gabriel dit Lapointe and Marie Denoyers
Baptized August 28, 1794 – Born August 28, 1794 – Carleton

AUDET CHARLES son of Gabriel and Marie Denoyers
Baptized March 7, 1793 - Born March 6, 1793 - Carleton

AUDET DESIRE daughter of Joseph and Scholastique Leblanc
Baptized November 7, 1791 - Born November 6, 1791- Carleton

AUDET FELICITE daughter of Pierre and Marie Louise Arseneau
Baptized January 4, 1795 - Born same day - Carleton

AUDET GABRIEL son of Gabriel Audet dit Lapointe and Cecile Denoyers
Baptized March 25, 1792 - Born February 18, 1792- Carleton

AUDET MARIE CHARLOTTE daughter of Gabriel and Charlotte Leblanc
Baptized January 14, 1794 - Born January 14, 1794 at 8 o’clock - Carleton

AUDET PIERRE son of Gabriel and Felicite Aubois, married Marie ARSENEAU daughter of Claude and Marguerite Theriault January 9, 1792 - Carleton

AUDET VERONIQUE daughter of Gabriel and Charlotte Leblanc
Baptized February 25, 1792 - Born February 25, 1792 - Carleton

BABIN ANNE daughter of Pierre and Magdeleine Bourg
Baptized October, 23, 1774 - Born April 3, 1773 - Baie Sainte Marie

BABIN MARIE daughter of Pierre and Cecile Bois
Baptized March 6, 1761 - Restigouche

BABINEAU ANDRE son of Paul and Jeanne Arseneau
Baptized April 8, 1792 - Born August 24, 1791 - Carleton

BABINEAU LOUIS CHARLES son of Clement and Renee BOURQUE from St- Port Royal married Anne GUILLEBEAU
daughter of Joseph and Madeleine Michel - February 5, 1760 – Restigouche

BABINEAU MARIE daughter of Dominique and Rosalie Gautreau
Baptized September 22, 1774 - Born August 4, 1774 – Memramcook

BARRIAULT JEAN BAPTISTE son of Olivier and Elizabeth Landry married Madeleine Suzanne HENRY
daughter of Simon and Marguerite Joseph Breau on November 18, 1793 - Carleton BARRIAULT JEAN BAPTISTE widower of Madeleine Suzanne Henry and son of Olivier and Elizabeth Landry
married Marie Collette LEBLANC widow of Basile Mius April 28, 1823 - Carleton BARRIAULT JEAN EDOUARD son of Jean Baptiste and Madeleine Susanne Henry
Baptized September 4, 1794 - Born September 4, 1794 - Carleton

BARRIAULT VERONIQUE daughter of Olivier and Elizabeth Landry
Baptized April 9, 1792 – Born February 17, 1792 – Carleton

BARRIAULT VERONIQUE daughter of Olivier and Elizabeth Landry married Pierre LEBLANC
son of Joseph and Francoise Dugas of Maria on January 11, 1814 - Carleton

BARRIAULT MARIE MADELEINE daughter of Charles Olivier and Madeleine Henry
Baptized January 4, 1794 - Born January 2, 1794 – Carleton

BARRIAULT MARIE ANGELIQUE daughter of Charles Olivier Madeleine Henry
Baptized January 3, 1795 - Born January 2, 1795 - Carleton

BASTARACHE JOSEPH TRANQUILLE son of Jean and Marie Josephte Comeau
Baptized October 9, 1774 - Born June 10, 1772 - Port Royal

BASTARACHE MARIE daughter of Jean and Marie Josephte Comeau
Baptized October 9, 1774 - Born October 3, 1773 - Port Royal

BAUDIN ABRAHAM son of Abraham and Marie Anne Méthote
Baptized September 17, 1793 - Born September 9, 1793 - Grande Riviere

BAUDIN ABRAHAM son of Pierre and Charlotte Dupuis dit Lafontaine married Marie Anne MÉTHOTE
daughter of Joseph and Marie Louise Chartier on September 17, 1793 - Grande Riviere

BEAUDRY JACQUES son of Francois and Madeleine Boiselle
married Madeleine BOUDREAU October 10, 1788 – Paspébiac

BEAUDRY JACQUES son of Francois and Madeleine Boiselle
married Marguerite Louise BEAUDIN August 31, 1790 - Paspébiac

BEAUDRY JACQUES son of Jacques and Louise Baudin
Baptized September 9, 1793 - Born April 22, 1793 - Percé

BEAUDRY MARIE MARGUERITE daughter of Jacques and Marguerite Louise Baudin
Baptized on October 5, 1791 - Born October 5, 1791 – Grande Riviere

BELLIVEAU ANSELME son of Frederic and Marie Madeleine Leblanc
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Baie Sainte Marie

BELLIVEAU JOSEPH - Baptized September 13, 1792
Born September 8, 1791 - Baie des Chaleurs

BELLIVEAU JOSEPH son of Charles and Osithe Dugas, married Marie BAUDIN
daughter of Pierre and Marie Charlotte Dupuis on September 12, 1791 – Grande Riviere

BELLIVEAU CHARLES MARIN son of Jean and Madeleine Gaudet married October 20, 1774 Magdeleine LEBLANC
daughter of Pierre and Madeleine Babin - Baie Sainte Marie

BELLIVEAU JOSEPH son of Jean and Madeleine Gaudet married Marguerite ROBICHAUD
daughter of Joseph and Marguerite Comeau on October 18, 1774 - Baie Sainte Marie

BELLIVEAU MARIE MADELEINE daughter of Joseph and Marguerite Robichaud
Baptized October 15, 1774 - Born December 4, 1772 - Baie Sainte Marie

BELLIVEAU MARIE SCHOLASTIQUE daughter of Frederic and Magdelaine Leblanc
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born August 16, 1771 - Baie Sainte Marie

BERGERON NICOLAS son of Etienne dit D’Amboise and Claire Couroit - Baptized November 19, 1793
Born January 13, 1793 - Carleton

BERNARD LOUIS JEAN MARIE son of Joseph and Marguerite Arseneau
Baptized on May 9, 1760 - Born February 25, 1760 - Restigouche

BERNARD ETIENNE son of Pierre and Anne Gaudet
Baptized on May 9, 1760 - Born February 3, 1760 - Restigouche

BERNARD JEAN son of Paul and Marguerite Gaudet
Baptized January 3, 1761 – Born January 3, 1761 - Restigouche

BERNARD LOUIS BENONI son of Louis and Louise Legouffe - Baptized April 15, 1775 - Born January 17, 1775 - Bonaventure

BERNARD LOUIS son of Joseph and Marguerite Arseneau, Married on May 2, 1774 Louise LEGOUFFE
daughter of Aubin and Louise Boudreau - Bonaventure

BERNARD MADELAINE daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Leblanc
Baptized October 20, 1793 - Born September 26, 1793 - Carleton

BERNARD MICHEL son of Jean Baptiste and Cecile Gaudet of the parish of Beaubassin, Married Marie GUILLEBEAU
daughter of Joseph and Magdeleine Michel of the parish of Port Royal, on January 25, 1761 - Restigouche

BERTHELOT FRANCOISE daughter of Alexis and Louise Poisette
Baptized May 5, 1794 - Born March 3, 1794 - Baie des Chaleurs

BERTHELOT ETIENNE son of Etienne and Marthe Comeau
Baptized May 5, 1794 - Born April 1, 1794 - Carleton

BERTHELOT MARIE daughter of Etienne and Marthe Comeau
Baptized December 15, 1791 - Born December 15, 1791 - Carleton

BESEAU ELIZABETH daughter of Michel and Amable Blais
Baptized September 15, 1793 - Born July 10, 1793 - Grande Riviere

BESEAU MICHEL son of Pierre and Therese Malboeuf married Amable BLAIS
daughter of Antoine and Amable Carbonneau on September 17, 1792 – Grande Riviere

BLAIS ALEXIS son of Antoine and Therese Sansfils
Baptized September 13, 1792 - Born December 16, 1791 - Pabos

BLANCHARD MARIE MARGUERITE daughter of Guillaume and Catherine Barillot
Baptized February 1, 1761 - Restigouche

BOND AUBIN son of Jean and Louise Chicoine
Born July 16, 1772 – Pointe Saint Pierre

BOND AUBIN son of Jean and Louise Chicoine residing at Pointe Saint Pierre married Elisabeth CONNORS
daughter of Michel and Marguerite Gagne on August 24, 1793 - Pointe Saint Pierre/Gaspé

BOND MARIE LOUISE daughter of Joseph Bond and Marie Laflamme-Kemner
Baptized September 12, 1790 - Gaspé

BOND JOSEPH son of Joseph and Marie Kemner dit Laflamme
Baptized September 16, 1790 - Born October 12, 1788 - Pointe Saint Pierre/Gaspé

BONNEVIE AMAN son of Jacques and Marguerite Laure (Lord) of Ste Anne de Beaubassin married Catherine GAUDET
daughter of Pierre and Anne Girouard of the same parish on July 28, 1760 - Restigouche

BONNEVIE JEAN THOMAS son of Jacques and Anne Thebeau
Baptized May 13, 1760 - Born March 10, 1760 – Restigouche

BONNEVIE JOSEPH son of Jacques and Marguerite Lord, of the parish of Beaubassin, married Marguerite HACHE
daughter of Michel and Marguerite Gravois of Beaubassin on May 5, 1761 - Restigouche

BONNEVIE LOUISE ELISABETH daughter of Jacques and Anne Melanson
Baptized May 13, 1760 - Born October 29, 1759 - Restigouche

BOUCHARD ALEXANDRE son of Alexis and Agathe Leblanc
Baptized November 18, 1791 - Born November 17, 1791 - Carleton

BOUCHARD OLIVETTE daughter of Alexis and Agathe Leblanc
Baptized December 30, 1792 - Born December 30, 1792 - Carleton

BOUCHARD ELIE son of Alexis and Agathe Leblanc
Baptized September 13, 1794 - Born September 13, 1794 - Carleton

BOUCHER ANGELIQUE daughter of Pierre and Dorothee Boudreau
Baptized April 25, 1785 - Born September 15, 1784 - Carleton

BOUCHER FIRMIN son of Joseph and Isabelle Martin
Baptized September 4, 1774 - Born January 6, 1772 - Riviere Saint Jean

BOUCHER JOSEPH son of Joseph and Isabelle Martin
Baptized September 4, 1774 - Born August 6, 1770 - Rivière Saint Jean

BOUDREAU AMANT son of Amand and Charlotte Bernard
Baptized November 19, 1792 - Born June 24, 1792 - Carleton

BOUDREAU ELIZABETH (ISABELLE) daughter of Claude and Judith Landry
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born October 13, 1759 - Baie Sainte Marie

BOUDREAU FRANCOISE daughter of Cyprien and Francoise Melanson
Baptized October 28, 1792 - Born July 13, 1791 - Nipissiguit

BOUDREAU ISAIE son of Francois and Charlotte Bernard
Baptized September 7, 1794 - Born June 12, 1794 - Carleton

BOUDREAU JOSEPH son of Joseph-Athanase and Elizabeth Bujold
Baptized October 27, 1793 - Born March 28, 1793 - Nipisiguit

BOUDREAU JOSEPH son of Joseph and Anne Hache married Rosalie HACHE
daughter of Joseph and Magdeleine Doucet, on October 30, 1792 - Bathurst

BOUDREAU JOSEPH-ATHANASE son of Joseph and Felicite Champagne (Orillon dit Champagne) married Elizabeth BUJOLD
daughter of Charles and Marguerite Cormier, on May 8, 1792 - Restigouche

BOUDREAU JOSEPH son of Anselme and Marguerite Gaudet Marie Jeanne HACHE
daughter of Jacques and Marie Josephe Boudreau - January 7, 1761 - Bathurst

BOUDREAU MADELAINE daughter of Claude and Judith Landry
Baptized October 15, 1774 Restigouche - Born February 12, 1759 - Baie Sainte Marie

BOUDREAU MARGUERITE daughter of Claude and Judith Landry
Baptized October 15, 1774 - Born April 11, 1757 - Baie Sainte Marie

BOUDREAU PIERRE son of Claude and Judith Landry
Baptized October 15, 1774 Restigouche - Born September 9, 1760 - Baie Sainte Marie

BOUDREAU ROSALIE daughter of Jean dit Miquetau and Francoise Arseneau
Baptized July 27, 1760 - Born March 25, 1760 - Restigouche

BOURDON FRANCOISE daughter of Francois Bourdon and Marguerite Gauthier
Baptized May 12, 1760 - Born November 26, 1759 - Restigouche

BOURG ANNE daughter of Jean and Marie Hebert
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born March 22, 1773 - Baie Sainte Marie

BOURG JEAN BAPTISTE son of Pierre and Marie Broussard
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born October 10, 1772 - Baie Sainte Marie

BOURG JOSEPH son of Francois and Elisabeth Broussard
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born February 22, 1771 - Baie Sainte Marie

BOURG MODESTE daughter of Francois and Elisabeth Broussard
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born February 2, 1772 - Baie Sainte Marie

BOURG CHARLES son of Charles and Marie Louise Turcotte
Baptized September 9, 1792 - Born April 3, 1791 - Baie des Chaleurs

BOURGEOIS ELIZABETH daughter of Joseph and Marguerite Hebert
Baptized December 12, 1760 – Born December 12, 1760 - Restigouche

BOURGEOIS JOSEPH son of Paul from La Malpecque and of Anne Brin/Brun, married Marie GIROUARD
widow of Eusebe Lauriot daughter of Claude Girouard and Magdeleine Vincent on November 5, 1759 – Baie des Chaleurs

BOURGEOIS MARIE MADELEINE daughter of Joseph Bourgeois and Madeleine Bourgeois
Baptized September 28, 1760 – Baie des Chaleurs

BOURGEOIS MICHEL son of Michel and Marguerite Girouard of the parish of Beaubassin married Marie HACHE
daughter of Jean and Marguerite Gravois of the same parish, on January 25, 1761 – Baie des Chaleurs

BOURGET CHARLES son of Louis and Louise Chouinard married Louise TURCUOTTE
daughter of Jean and Catherine Chicoine on September 27, 1791 - Percé

BRASSEUR EMMANUEL son of Mathurin and Catherine Duguay
Baptized April 17, 1782 - Born February 25, 1780 - Paspébiac BRASSEUR JOSEPH son of Pierre and Marguerite Gaudet
Baptized May 15, 1760 - Born November 2, 1759 - Father Etienne

BRASSEUX YSABELLE daughter of Pierre and Marguerite Godet
Baptized November 19, 1771 at age one year old five months and 6 days – Paspébiac

BREAU UNKNOWN - son of Alexis and Francoise Doucet
Baptized Feb 8, 1761 – Restigouche

BREAU ATHANASE son of Ambroise and Marie Michel of the parish of Chipoudy married Marie (-Josephe) LEBLANC
daughter of Joseph and Isabelle Gaudet of the parish of Port-Royal, Acadia on February 18, 1761 - Restigouche

BREAU ROSALIE daughter of Joseph and Anne Arseneau
Baptized February 5, 1761 - Restigouche

BRIN (BRUN) PIERRE son of Michel and Marguerite Comeau
Baptized May 9, 1760 - Born March 16, 1760 - Restigouche

BRUN VICTOR son of Pierre and Theodora Boudreau
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born March 7, 1762 - Baie Sainte Marie

BRUN PAUL son of Pierre and Theodose Boudreau
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born January 4, 1769 - Baie Sainte Marie

BRUN MADELAINE daughter of Pierre and Theodose Boudreau
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born September 10, 1771 - Baie Sainte Marie

BUJOLD FRANCOIS buried March 31, 1759 in the absence of Father Etienne.
Father Etienne conducted the funeral on May 18, 1759 - Restigouche

BUJOLD LOUIS son of Placide and Marie Josephe Bernard married Modeste ARSENEAU
daughter of Francois and Anne Poirier on November 2, 1791 - Carleton

BUJOLD MARGUERITE PELAGIE daughter of Charles and Marguerite Cormier
Baptized May 9, 1760 - Born December 21, 1759 - Restigouche

BUJOLD MARGUERITE daughter of Paul and Marie Poirier
Baptized May 12, 1760 - Born October 25, 1759 – Restigouche

BUJOLD MARIE JOSEPHE daughter of Louis and Modeste Arseneau
Baptized April 10, 1793 – Born April 10, 1793 - Bonaventure

BUJOLD MARIE ANTOINETTE daughter of Mathurin and Marie Bernard
Baptized December 7, 1794 - Born October 23, 1794 - Carleton

BUJOLD MARGUERITE ZITHEE daughter of Mathurin and Marie Bernard
Baptized July 15, 1792 - Born April 24, 1792 - Carleton

CAISSIE BENONI son of Jean Baptiste and Charlotte Brideau
Baptized November 1, 1793 - Born December 14, 1792 – Nipisiguit

CHAMBERLAND BENONI son of Jean-Baptiste and Marie Pitre
Baptized October 28, 1792 - Born October 15, 1791 - Nipissiguit

CHAPADOS MICHEL JOSEPH son of Nicolas and Marie Brasseur
Baptized April 17, 1782 - Born October 30, 1781- Paspébiac

CHIASSON CHRYSOSTOME son of Chrysostome and Anne Daigle
Baptized October 28, 1792 - Born January 29, 1792 – Nipissiguit

CHICOINE JEAN BAPTISTE son of the late Jean Chicoine and of Marie Boudreau married Veronique Laflamme dit Kemneur
daughter of Joseph and Marie Louise Thibeau, on September 21, 1791 - Paspébiac

COMEAU ANNE daughter of Joseph and Magdeleine Hebert
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born March 5, 1770 - Baie Sainte Marie

COMEAU ANNE daughter of Francois and Felicite Leblanc
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born June 14, 1774 - Baie Sainte Marie

COMEAU ANNE daughter of Joseph and Marguerite Jeanson
Baptized October 17, 1774 - Born March 15, 1771 - Baie Sainte Marie

COMEAU CHARLES DAVID son of Francois and Felicite Leblanc
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born November 5, 1769 - Baie Sainte Marie

COMEAU CHARLOTTE daughter of Alexis Comeau and Anne Marie Gauthier
Baptized September 15, 1774 - Born May 1, 1773 – Kennebeccassis

COMEAU JEAN son of Salvator and Anastasie Belliveau
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born May 16, 1774 - Baie Sainte Marie

COMEAU LOUISE daughter of J. and Marie Rose Robichaud
Baptized October 9, 1774 - Born June 3, 1771 – Port-Royal

COMEAU MARGUERITE daughter of Joseph and Marguerite Jeanson
Baptized October 17, 1774 - Born April 14, 1770 - Baie Sainte Marie

COMEAU MARGUERITE daughter of Salvator and Anastasie Belliveau
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born December 5, 1770 - Baie Sainte Marie

COMEAU MARIE JOSEPH daughter of Justinien and Natalie Bastarache
Baptized October 9, 1774 - Born September 23, 1770 – Port-Royal

COMEAU MARIE MADELEINE daughter of Francois and Marie Leblanc
Baptized February 13, 1793 - Born February 13, 1793 - Carleton

COMEAU MARIE MAGDELEINE daughter of Joseph and Magdeleine Hebert
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born April 22, 1772 - Baie Sainte Marie

COMEAU MARIE daughter of Francois and Felicite Leblanc
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born January 19, 1772 - Baie Sainte Marie

COMEAU MARIE daughter of Jean and Marie Rose Robichaud
Baptized October 9, 1774 - Born April 18, 1770 – Port-Royal

COMEAU SYLVAIN son of Joseph and Marguerite Jeanson
Baptized October 15, 1774 - Born November 15, 1762 - Baie Sainte Marie

CORMIER AMAND son of Pierre and Cecile Thibodeau married Marie Josephe ROY
daughter of Joseph and Marie Agnes D’Amours de Chauffour on September 5, 1774 - Riviere Saint Jean

CORMIER EPHEMIEN son of Benjamin and Angelique Doiron
Baptized July 21, 1793 - Born May 7, 1792 – Cascapédia

CORMIER FRANCOIS son of Francois and Anastasie Melanson
Baptized September 2, 1774 - Born February 2, 1772 - Riviere Saint Jean

CORMIER GENEVIEVE daughter of Benjamin and Angelique Cormier
Baptized March 9, 1794 - Born December 4 , 1793 - Carleton

CORMIER HUBERT son of Joseph and Marie Leblanc
Baptized March 9, 1794 - Born May 12, 1792 – Cascapédia

CORMIER ISAAC son of Pierre and Marie Anne Gaudet
Baptized September 2, 1774 - Born October 2, 1770 - Riviere Saint Jean CORMIER JACQUES son of Jacques and Marie Osite Pothier
Baptized September 11, 1774 - Born March 7, 1771 - Riviere Saint Jean

CORMIER JEAN FRANCOIS son of Jean and Magdeleine Landry
Baptized September 5, 1774 - Born May 7, 1772 - Riviere Saint Jean

CORMIER MARIE daughter of Jacques and Marie Osite Pothier
Baptized September 11, 1774 - Born September 26, 1773 - Riviere Saint Jean

CORMIER MARIE JEANNE daughter of Joseph and Marie Leblanc
Baptized April 28, 1782 – Born November 5, 1775 – Cascapédia

CORMIER PIERRE son of Jean and Madeleine Landry
Baptized September 11, 1774 - Born December 16, 1773 - Riviere Saint Jean

CRONIER LOUIS son of Jean and Marie Duguay
Baptized September 29, 1793 - Born May 29, 1793 – Paspébiac

CYR ANGELIQUE daughter of Charles and Genevieve Langlois
Baptized April 17, 1782 - Born December 24, 1779 - Paspébiac

CYR CHARLES son of Charles and Genevieve Langlois
Baptized April 17, 1782 - Born March 12, 1777 - Paspébiac

CYR HILARION son of Joseph and Marguerite Cyr
Baptized September 11, 1774 - Born March 19, 1772 - Riviere Saint Jean

CYR MARGUERITE daughter of Jean Baptiste Cyr and Judith Guerette
Baptized September 5, 1774 - Born August 28, 1771 - Riviere Saint Jean

CYR MARIE GENEVIEVE daughter of Joseph and Marguerite Thibeaudeau
Baptized September 11, 1774 - Born May 25, 1773 - Riviere Saint Jean

CYR MARIE MAGDELEINE daughter of Francois and Madeleine Guilbeau
Baptized September 5, 1774 - Born April 20, 1772 - Riviere Saint Jean

CYR MARIE ROSE daughter of Francois and Marie Anne Guilbeau
Baptized September 5, 1774 - Born July 3, 1773 - Riviere Saint Jean

CYR MARIE daughter of Francois and Marie Guilbeau
Baptized September 5, 1774 - Born January 8, 1770 - Riviere Saint Jean

CYR MARIE daughter of Joseph and Marguerite Thibeaudeau
Baptized September 4, 1774 - Born August 16, 1770 - Riviere Saint Jean

CYR OSITE son of Benoni and Elizabeth Gertrude Brasseur
Baptized April 17, 1782 - Born February 6, 1781- Paspébiac

CYR PIERRE son of Charles and Genevieve Langlois
Baptized April 17, 1782 - Born September 3, 1781 - Paspébiac

CYR THADEE son of Benoni and Elizabeth Gertrude Brasseur
Baptized April 17, 1782 - Born October 13, 1779 - Paspébiac

DAIGLE ANNE daughter of Jean Baptiste and Marie Aiahaut (according to transcription for Riviere Saint Jean)
Born September 4, 1774 - Born April 7, 1772 – Riviere Saint Jean

DAIGLE MARIE URSULE daughter of Pierre and Genevieve Daraiche
Baptized September 21, 1790 - Born February 7, 1790 - Percé

DARAICHE ROCH son of Roch Daraiche and Genevieve Lepau Married Elizabeth HUART
daughter of Francois and Genevieve Duguay on September 25, 1793 - Paspébiac

DAVID FRANCOIS son of Francois and Catherine Denis
Baptized September 19, 1792 - Born April 14, 1792 - Paspébiac

DAVID MARGUERITE daughter of Francois and Catherine Denis
Baptized August 23, 1790 - Born May 15, 1790 - Paspébiac

DEGRACE MARIE daughter of Antoine and Angelique Hache
Baptized October 28, 1792 - Born July 22, 1792 – Nipissiguit/Bathurst

DELAROSBILLE/DE LA ROSBIE HELENE daughter of Bertrand and Marie Dunys (Denis)
Baptized August 19, 1790 - Born August 14, 1790 - Baie des Chaleurs

DENIS MADELEINE daughter of David and Dorothee Boudreau
Baptized May 13, 1760 - Born October 16, 1759 - Restigouche

DESLAURIERS (Babineau) MARIE LOUISE daughter of Paul and Jeanne Arseneau
Baptized November 10, 1793 - Born September 4, 1793 - Carleton

DEVOT JEAN BAPTISTE son of Augustin and Rose Richard
Baptized April 28, 1782 - Born February 28, 1782 - Bonaventure

DEVOT JOSEPH son of Jacques and Magdeleine Robichaud marriage rehabilitated to Marie Esther BASTARACHE
daughter of Jean and Marie Josephe Comeau - October 9, 1774 – Port Royal

DOIRON LOUISE daughter of Pierre and Marguerite leger
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born August 20, 1772 - Baie Sainte Marie DOIRON MARIE daughter of Pierre and Marguerite Leger
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born April 14, 1774 - Baie Sainte Marie

DOUCET HUBERT son of Joseph and Victoire Bujold
Baptized October 27, 1793 - Born August 31, 1783 - Bonaventure

DOUCET AIMABLE son of Pierre and M Josephte Robichaud, married October 18, 1774 - Marie GAUDET
daughter of Joseph and Gertrude Leblanc - Baie Sainte Marie

DOUCET ANNE daughter of Michel and Anne Boudreau
Baptized October 28, 1792 - Born July 7, 1792 - Pisiguit

DOUCET ATHANASE son of Athanase and Marie Leblanc
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born October 30, 1764 - Baie Sainte Marie

DOUCET CHARLES son of Charles and Marie Arseneau - Baptized October 28, 1792 - Born January 17, 1792 - Nipissiguit

DOUCET CHARLES son of Francois and Marguerite Sainsene
Baptized October 15, 1774 - Born March 25, 1760 - Baie Sainte Marie

DOUCET DOMINIQUE daughter of Dominique and Magdeleine Miuse
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born May 20, 1768 - Baie Sainte Marie

DOUCET MARIE daughter of Aimable and Marie Brousaud
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Baie Sainte Marie

DOUCET ROMAIN son of Charles and Marie Arseneau
Baptized October 31, 1793 - Born October 31, 1793 - Nipisiguit

DOUCET SYLVAIN son of Charles and Anne Boudreau
Baptized October 27, 1793 - Born September 7, 1793 - Nipisiguit

DUCAT JEAN BAPTISTE son of Joseph and Marie Robichaud
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born June 24, 1771- Baie Sainte Marie

DUGAS FREDERIQUE son of Hilarion and Euphrosine Gauthier
Baptized January 9, 1793 – Born same day - Baie des Chaleurs

DUGAS MAGDELEINE daughter of Joseph and Marie Robichaud
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born April 28, 1774 - Baie Sainte Marie

DUGAS THEOTISTE daughter of Hilarion and Euphrosine Gautier - Baptized September 11, 1794 - Born during the night - Baie des Chaleurs

DUGAT CHARLES son of Paul and Brigitte Melanson
Baptized October 15, 1774, - Born July 12, 1772 - Baie Sainte Marie

DUGAT ELIZABETH daughter of Paul and Brigitte Melanson
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born June10, 1764 - Baie Sainte Marie

DUGUAY ADELAIDE daughter of Jacques and Veronique Chapados
Baptized September 29, 1793 - Born December 12, 1792 - Paspébiac

DUGUAY AGATHE daughter of Jean and Anne Careau
Baptized September 29, 1793 - Born February 19, 1793 – Paspébiac

DUGUAY ALEXANDRE son of Jacques and Veronique Chapados
Baptized April 17, 1782 - Born February 24, 1781 - Paspébiac

DUGUAY CHARLES MARIE son of Jean Marie Duguay and Marie Sareau
Baptized April 17, 1782 - Born November 26, 1781- Paspébiac

DUGUAY CHRISTINE daughter of Pierre and Marie Brasseur
Baptized April 17, 1782 - Born July 4, 1779 - Paspébiac

DUGUAY FRANCOIS son of Rene and Marguerite LeBreton, of the parish of Ste Famille married Madeleine CHAPADOS
daughter of Louis and Catherine Larocque – Baie des Chaleurs

DUGUAY HELENE daughter of Pierre Duguay and Marie Brasseur
Baptized April 17, 1782 - Born Aug. 22, 1781 - Paspébiac

DUGUAY JOSEPH son of Francois and Magdeleine Chapados
Baptized May 1, 1774 - Born January 3, 1773 - Bonaventure

DUGUAY NATALIE daughter of Pierre and Catherine Lanteigne
Baptized September 29, 1793 - Born August 3, 1792 – Paspébiac

DUNIS GENEVIEVE daughter of Louis and Marie Madeleine Laroque
Baptized June 21, 1760 - Born January 16, 1760 - Restigouche

DUPUIS FRANCOIS son of Francois and Elizabeth Baudin
Baptized September 1, 1790 - Born August 5, 1789 - Grande Riviere

DUPUIS GERMAIN son of Francois Xavier and Elizabeth Baudin
Baptized September 12, 1790 - Born May 5, 1791 at Grande Riviere

DUPUIS PIERRE son of Francois and Elizabeth Bodin
Baptized September 15, 1793 - Born March 25, 1793 - Grande Riviere

DUTHY (DUFFY) GUILLAUME (WILLIAM) son of George and Anne Legouffe
Baptized March 18, 1794 - Born October 16, 1793 - Cascapédia

ESTIAMBRE LOUIS REGIS son of Louis and Monique Leblanc
Baptized June 1, 1795 - Born May 14, 1795 – Carleton [Note: This baptism was the last entry Father Mathurin Bourg signed into the Carleton parish registers.]

ESTIAMBRE LOUIS son of Louis and Marie Anne Duchesneau dit Sans Regret married Monique LEBLANC
daughter of Benjamin and Marie Dugas on May 20, 1794 – Carleton

FERLATTE MARGUERITE daughter of Jean Baptiste and Catherine Savoie
Baptized November 19, 1793 – Born November 18, 1793 - Baie des Chaleurs

FERNOIS FRANCOIS son of Michel and Elizabeth Boudreau
Baptized September 1, 1790 - Born August 1790 - Grande Riviere

FERNOIS ALEXIS son of Michel and Elizabeth Boudreau
Baptized October 27, 1793 - Born November 17, 1792 - Nipisiguit

FLAMEN MICHEL son of Jacques and Marguerite Flamen
Baptized September 18, 1791 - Born September 3, 1791 - Baie des Chaleurs

FLYNN EDOUARD son of Edouard and June Flynn
Baptized September 8, 1793 - Born April 12, 1793 – Percé

FOREST AUGUSTIN son of Pierre Marion and Marguerite Boudreau
Baptized April 20, 1785 - Born August 12, 1784 - Arichat

FOREST MADELAINE daughter of Paul and Anne Bourg
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born February 1, 1773 - Baie Sainte Marie

FOUGERE SIMON son of Simon and Marguerite Jeanson
Baptized April 20, 1785, - Born October 2, 1784 - Arichat

FOURNIER JOSEPH dit DESILETS son of Jacques and Catherine Turgeon married Helene CORMIER
daughter of Joseph and Marie Josephe Leblanc on November 19, 1792 - Carleton

FRANCOEUR ETIENNE son of Julien and Francoise Caron married Marie CHICOINE
daughter of Aubin and Marie Jeanne David on November 19, 1793 - Mathurin Bourg, priest - Pointe Saint Pierre

FRANCOEUR ETIENNE son of Etienne and Marie Chicoine
Born august 3, 1796 – Pointe Saint Pierre

FRANCOEUR GENEVIEVE daughter of Etienne and Marie Chicoine
Born November 1, 1798 – Pointe Saint Pierre

FRANCOEUR MARIE FRANCOISE daughter of Etienne and Marie Chicoine
Born June 11, 1794 – Pointe Saint Pierre

GAGNE BENONI son of Pierre and Angelique Berthelotte
Baptized April 28, 1793 - Born September 26, 1792 - Carleton

GAGNE JULIE daughter of Pierre and Angelique Berthelotte
Baptized March .9, 1792 - Born January 8, 1791 – Carleton

GAGNE MARIE THERESE daughter of Pierre and Angelique Berthelotte
Baptized March 3, 1794 - Born March 2, 1794 - Carleton

GAGNON JEAN BAPTISTE son of Joseph Gagnon and Angelique Quatte Pate
Baptized July 10, 1760 - Born July 6, 1760 – Baie des Chaleurs

GALLANT FRANCOIS son of Jean and Anne Doiron
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born October 8, 1773 - Baie Sainte Marie

GARNIER ANNE daughter of Jacques and Catherine Langlois
Baptized April 17, 1782 – Born March 4, 1780 - Paspébiac

GARNIER ELIZABETH daughter of Joseph and Madeleine Langlois
Baptized April 17, 1782 - Born March 20, 1781 - Paspébiac

GARNIER FRANCOISE daughter of Jacques and Catherine Langlois
Baptized September 23, 1792 - Born June 7, 1792 at Port Daniel

GARNIER JACQUES son of Joseph and Madeleine Langlois
Baptized September 19, 1793 - Born May 1, 1793 - Paspébiac

GARNIER JACQUES son of Jacques and Catherine Langlois
Baptized April 17, 1782 - Born in Port Daniel, September 17, 1778 - Paspébiac

GARNIER JEAN son of Joseph and Madeleine Langlois
Baptized September 3, 1791 - Born February 9, 1791-Pabos

GARNIER PIERRE died July 14, 1791 at age 45
Pabos GARNIER RAYMOND son of Pierre and Marie David
Baptized September 3, 1791 - Born June 30, 1791 - Pabos

GARNIER ROSALIE daughter of Jacques and Catherine Langlois
Baptized Aug. 24, 1790 - Born March 24, 1790 - Port Daniel

GAUDET FELICITE daughter of Louis Gaudet and Marie Hebert
Baptized July 20, 1760 – Born May 15, 1760 - Restigouche

GAUDET CHARLES son of Rene Poncy and Felicite Comeau
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born August 8, 1770 - Baie Sainte Marie

GAUDET JEAN son of Joseph and Gertrude Leblanc
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born July 4, 1770 - Baie Sainte Marie

GAUDET JOSEPH son of Poncy and Felicite Comeau
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born May 3, 1773 - Baie Sainte Marie

GAUDET MARCH GUERITE daughter of Jean and Marie Melanson
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born September 25, 1773 - Baie Sainte Marie

GAUDET MARIE MADELEINE daughter of Joseph and Madeleine Dugas
Baptized May 9, 1760 - Born November 6, 1759 - Restigouche

GAUDET MONIQUE daughter of Joseph and Anne Leblanc
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born April 6, 1772 - Baie Sainte Marie

GAUTHIER ANGELIQUE daughter of Joseph and Catherine Vienneau
Baptized September 5, 1774 - Born March 14, 1770 - Riviere Saint Jean

GAUTHIER AUGUSTIN son of Joseph and Catherine Vienneau
Born March 14, 1770 – Riviere Saint Jean

GAUTHIER ELIZABETH daughter of Joseph and Theotiste Landry
Baptized April 15, 1775 - Born August 10, 1774 - Baie des Chaleurs

GAUTHIER JOSEPH son of Joseph and Catherine Vienneau
Baptized September 5, 1774 - Born November 1, 1773 - Riviere Saint Jean

GAUTHIER ROSE VICTOIRE daughter of Pierre and Jeanne Laforest
Baptized May 14, 1760 – Baie des Chaleurs

GAUTREAU FRANCOIS son of Pierre Gautreau and Marguerite Michel
Baptized July 20, 1760 - Born July 20, 1760 - Restigouche

GAUTREAU JEAN son of Paul and Anne Beliveau
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born October 28, 1769 - Baie Sainte Marie

GAUTREAU PIERRE son of Paul and Anne Beliveau
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born November 1, 1763 - Baie Sainte Marie

GEUDRIE AUGUSTIN son of Augustin and Marie Jeanson
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born June 20, 1771 - Baie Sainte Marie

GIREAU GUILLAUME son of Louis Gireau and Marie Lavigne of St Andre de Bordeaux married Anne COMEAU
daughter of Pierre Vincent and Marguerite Pitre of the parish of Petcoutiac November 10, 1760 - Restigouche

GIROUARD GERMAIN Death July 1760 - Burial July 18, 1760 - Restigouche

GIROUARD LOUIS son of Paul and Marguerite Thibaudo
Baptized January 30, 1761 – Restigouche

GODIN FRANCOIS son of Ambroise Godin and Madeleine Bergeron
Baptized August 30, 1774 - Born July 28, 1774 - Riviere Saint Jean

GODIN FRANCOIS son of Daniel and Marie Luce Martin
Baptized September 5, 1774 - Born April 29, 1772 - Riviere Saint Jean

GODIN LOUIS JOSEPH son of Daniel and Luce Martin
Baptized September 5, 1774 - Born October 15, 1773 - Riviere Saint Jean

GODIN JOSEPH son of Daniel and Luce Martin
Baptized September 5, 1774 - Born March 14, 1771 - Riviere Saint Jean

GODIN MARIE MADELEINE daughter of Ambroise and Madeleine Bergeron
Baptized September 4, 1774 - Born January 1, 1772 - Restigouche

GOULET CHARLOTTE daughter of Pierre and Charlotte Ferlatte
Baptized November 18, 1792 - Born September 22, 1791 - Maria

GRAVOIS FREDERIC son of Joseph and Magdelaine Bourg
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born August 31, 1772 - Baie Sainte Marie

GRAVOIS JOSEPH son of Jean and Marie Anne Bujold
Baptized May 9, 1760 - Born November 6, 1759 – Restigouche

GUILLOT NOEL son of Rene Marie and Francoise Menard
married Louise Fillion August 11, 1777 - Beauport, Quebec

GUILLOT (alias Diotte) NOEL son of Rene Marie and Francoise Menard married Anne BAUDRY
daughter of Francois and Madeleine Boiselle November 30, 1789 - Carleton GUILLOTTE JEAN FRANCOIS son of Noel and Anne Beaudry
Baptized January 19, 1794 - Born January 18, 1794 - Carleton

GUILLOTTE ETIENNE son of Noel and Anne Beaudry
Baptized February 22, 1792 - Born January 9, 1792 - Carleton

HACHE FRANCOISE daughter of Joseph and Madeleine Doucet
Baptized October 28, 1792 - Born April 20, 1792 - Pisiguit

HACHE ISAAC son of Michel and Anne Melanson
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born June 22, 1772 - Baie Sainte Marie

HACHE MARCH GUERITE daughter of Jean Hache and Marguerite Gravois
Baptized May 13, 1760 - Born February 15, 1760

HACHE MARIE daughter of Michel and Marie Gaudin
Baptized October 30, 1792 - Born July 16, 1792 - Pisiguit

HARQUAIL EDOUARD son of Pierre and Rachel Vautier married Angelique Rosalie ROBICHAUD
daughter of Isidore and Marguerite Boudreau, on Oct 2, 1792 - Pisiguit

HEBERT AMANT, widow of Magdeleine Richard daughter of Jean and Madeleine Dugas of the parish of Ste Anne of Beaubassin
married Marie POIRIER daughter of Pierre and Louise Caissie November 12, 1759 – Restigouche

HEBERT MARIE HIPPOLYTE daughter of Joseph and Marie Vincent
Baptized September 5, 1774 - Born August 1, 1772 - Riviere Saint Jean

HEBERT CELESTE daughter of Joseph and Theotiste Doucet
Baptized October 28, 1792 - Born August 3, 1791 - Pisiguit

HEBERT MARIE JOSEPHE daughter of Simon and Marie Caissie
Baptized September 4, 1774 - Born November 8, 1773 - Riviere Saint Jean

HEBERT MARIE daughter of Jean and Osite Vincent
Baptized September 5, 1774 - Born May 20, 1770 - Riviere Saint Jean

HEBERT PIERRE son of Jean and Blanche Vincent
Baptized September 4, 1774 - Born November 3, 1773 - Riviere Saint Jean

HUARD ANNE MARIE daughter of Jacques Huard and Anne Duguay
Baptized April 17, 1782 - Born January 23, 1780 - Paspébiac

HUARD GABRIEL son of Pierre and Catherine Caplan married Genevieve DELEPEAU
daughter of Julien Delepaut and Marie Monjosiete on August 12, 1760 - Restigouche

HUARD JEAN son of Francois and Genevieve Duguay
Baptized May 3, 1761 – Born May 3, 1761 - Restigouche

HUARD JEAN son of Francois and Genevieve Duguay married Madeleine DENIS
daughter of Louis and Marie-Marguerite Larocque 24 January 1784 – Paspébiac

HUARD CATHERINE daughter of Jean and Magdeleine Denis
Baptized September 26, 1793 - Born November 25, 1792 - Paspébiac

HUARD JOSEPH son of Joseph and Marguerite Lanteigne
Baptized September 26, 1793 - Born May 22, 1793 – Paspébiac

JEANSON ANGELIQUE daughter of Paul and Ursule Bernard
Baptized December 24, 1794 - Born November 5, 1794 - Carleton

JEANSON ELIZABETH daughter of Guillaume and Marie Josette Aucoin
Baptized October 17, 1774 – Born May 14, 1770 - Baie Sainte Marie

JEANSON ISRAEL son of Jean Baptiste and Elizabeth Leblanc
Baptized December 18, 1793 – December 18, 1793 - Carleton

JEANSON JACQUES son of Jean Baptiste and Elizabeth Leblanc
Baptized July 13, 1792 - Born July 12, 1792 - Carleton

JEANSON JOSEPH son of Michel and Genevieve Doiron
Baptized March 24, 1793 - Born February 3, 1793 - Carleton

JEANSON VENERANDE daughter of Paul and Ursule Bernard
Baptized April 22, 1793 - Born April 21, 1793 – Carleton

JEANSON PAUL son of Guillaume “Billy” and Marie Josette Aucoin
Born August 28, 1768 - Piziguit

JEANSON PAUL son of Guillaume and Marie Josette Aucoin married Ursule BERNARD
daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Leblanc November 21, 1791 - Carleton

L’ANGLE MARIE MADELEINE, daughter of Pierre and Anne Huard
Baptized June 21, 1760 - Born November 20, 1759 - Restigouche

LABAUVE LISE son of Simon and Marie Vincent
Baptized May 12, 1760 - Born October 19, 1759 – Restigouche

LABEE JEAN son of Jacques and Genevieve Arbour
Baptized September 19, 1790 - Born July 20, 1790 - Percé

LABEE MARIE RACHEL daughter of Jacques and Genevieve Arbour
Baptized September 9, 1792 - Born May 22, 1792 - Restigouche

LAFLAMME CECILE daughter of Francois and Cecile Charlotte Yvon
Baptized September 9, 1790 - Born April 5, 1789 – Pointe Saint Pierre

LAMARCHE JOSEPH son of Louis and Genevieve Garnier
Baptized September 13, 1792 - Born January 2, 1792 - Restigouche

LAMARCHE LOUIS son of Louis and Genevieve Garnier
Baptized September 4, 1790 - Born March 18, 1790 - Restigouche

LAMBERT ALEXANDRE son of Jacques and Marie Garnier
Baptized November 19, 1793 - Born September 6, 1793 - Grande Riviere

LAMBERT JEAN son of Jacques/James and Marie Garnier
Baptized September 1, 1790 - Born October 4, 1789 - Grande Riviere

LAMBERT JOSEPH son of Jacques and Marie Garnier
Baptized September 3, 1791 - Born April 27, 1791 - Baie des Chaleurs

LANDRY ANGELIQUE daughter of Claude and Helene Dugas
Baptized December 23, 1792 - Born May 12, 1792 - Carleton

LANDRY ELIZABETH daughter of Rene and Madeleine Boudreau
Baptized January 11, 1761 - Restigouche

LANDRY JEAN BAPTISTE son of Jean and Anne Pitre
Baptized April 20, 1785- Born February 26, 1784 – Arichat

LANDRY JEAN BAPTISTE son of Jean and Marthe Dugas
Baptized May 8, 1794 - Born April 25, 1794 - Carleton

LANDRY JOSEPH son of Charles and Anne Boucher
Baptized April 25, 1785, Born January 2, 1885 - Restigouche LANDRY JOSEPH son of Claude and Helene Dugas married Julie LEBLANC
daughter of Marin and Marguerite Leblanc on January 7, 1794 – Carleton

LANDRY LAURENT son of Joseph and Julie Leblanc
Baptized November 6, 1794 - Born this morning - Carleton

LANDRY SUZANNE daughter of Pierre and Sophie Dugas
Baptized April 25, 1785 - Born December 5, 1784 - Arichat

LANGLOIS PIERRE son of Pierre and Marie Pelagie Brasseur
Baptized September 23, 1792 - Born January16, 1792 - Port Daniel

LANGLOIS CHARLES son of Charles and Louise Beland dit Daraiche
Baptized September 5, 1793 – September 5, 1793– Port Daniel

LANGLOIS JOSEPH MOISE son of Pierre and Pelagie Brasseur
Baptized August 24, 1790 - Born March 22, 1790 - Port Daniel

LANGLOIS JOSEPH son of Francois and Madeleine Comeau married Henriette ARSENEAU
daughter of Pierre and Marguerite Cormier of the parish of Malpec, Isle St Jean - January 6, 1761 - Restigouche

LANGLOIS ANGELIQUE daughter of Joseph and Henrietta Arseneau
Baptized December 4, 1791 - Born December 3, 1791 - Carleton

LANGLOIS JULIE daughter of Charles and Louise Beland dit Daraiche
Baptized September 9, 1792 - Born November 5, 1791 – Port Daniel

LANOUE MARGUERITE daughter of Amant and Marie Melanson
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born February 21, 1770- Baie Sainte Marie

LANOUE NASTASIE daughter of Amant and Marie Melanson
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born April 28, 1774 - Baie Sainte Marie

LANTEIGNE EUSTACHE son of Louis Lanteigne and Marguerite Chapados
Baptized May 15, 1760 - Born October 25, 1759 - Restigouche

LAROQUE CHARLES son of Joseph and Marguerite Cyr
Baptized September 24, 1792 - Born December 4, 1791 - Paspébiac

LAROQUE FRANCOIS son of Jean and Brigitte Laroque
Baptized September 20, 1793 - Born April 20, 1793 - Paspébiac

LAROQUE GEORGE son of Francois and Marguerite Caplan married Marguerite BRASSEUR
daughter of Mathieu and Anne Marie Pitre on July 15, 1760 – Restigouche

LAROCQUE JUDITH daughter of Francois and Marie Morais
Baptized September 24, 1792 - Born June 17, 1792 - Baie des Chaleurs

LAROQUE NICOLET son of Jean and Brigitte Laroque
Baptized September 24, 1792 - Born September 11, 1791 - Paspébiac

LAVIGNE LOUIS son of Jean and Elizabeth Beaudril
Baptized October 28, 1792 - Born December 3, 1791 - Pisiguit

LAVIOLETTE ALAIN son of Jean Baptiste and Elizabeth Brasseur
Baptized December 1, 1791 - Born December 1, 1791 – Carleton

LAVIOLETTE LAZARRE son of Urbain and Anastasie Allain
Baptized January 1, 1792 - Born May 1, 1791 - Carleton

LAVIOLETTE LOUIS son of Jean Baptiste and Therese Arsenault married Elisabeth ARSENEAU
daughter of Vincent and Marguerite Poirier January 7, 1793 - Carleton

LAVIOLETTE RAYMOND son of Louis and Elizabeth Arseneau
Baptized May 5, 1794 - Born March 3, 1794 - Carleton

LAVIOLETTE SOPHIE daughter of Urbain and Anastasie Allain
Baptized January 5, 1793 - Born October 11, 1792 - Carleton

LAVIOLETTE TRANQUILLE son of Baptiste and Elizabeth LeBraseur
Baptized December 14, 1794 - Born October 31, 1794 Carleton

LEBLANC AIMABLE son of Pierre and Marguerite Belliveau
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born March 25, 1772 - Baie Sainte Marie

LEBLANC ALEXANDRE son of Alexandre and Marguerite Boudreau
Baptized June 23, 1760 - Born April 6, 1760 - Restigouche

LEBLANC ANGELIQUE daughter of Luc and Elizabeth Jeanson
Baptized August 12, 1792 - Born April 30, 1792 - Carleton

LEBLANC ANNE MARIE daughter of Pierre and Madeleine Babin
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born April 19, 1762 - Baie Sainte Marie

LEBLANC ANSELME son of Pierre and Madeleine Babin
Baptized October 15, 1774 - Born April 4, 1767 - Baie Sainte Marie

LEBLANC CHARLES ANDRE son of Paul and Anne de Saint Etienne de La Tour
Baptized November 30, 1760 - Restigouche

LEBLANC CHARLES son of Pierre and Marie Madeleine Babin
Baptized October 15, 1774 - Born April 9, 1759 - Baie Sainte Marie

LEBLANC ELIZABETH daughter of Pierre and Madeleine Babin
Baptized October 15, 1774 - Born April 20, 1756 - Baie Sainte Marie

LEBLANC FRANCOISE daughter of Pierre and Magdelaine Babin
Baptized October 15, 1774 - Born April 12, 1756 - Baie Sainte Marie

LEBLANC GREGOIRE son of Jean Baptiste and Marguerite Cormier
Baptized March 20, 1792 - Born October 20, 1791 - Cascapédia

LEBLANC ISAAC of Luc and Elizabeth Jeanson
Baptized November 29, 1793 - Born same day - Carleton

LEBLANC JOSEPH son of Marin and Marguerite Leblanc
Baptized May 12, 1792 - Born May 12, 1792 - Carleton

LEBLANC JOSUÉ son of Benjamin and Judith Comeau
Baptized November 26, 1791 - Born August 23, 1791 - Carleton

LEBLANC LOUIS RAYMOND son of Jean Baptiste and Marguerite Boudreau
Baptized October 5, 1793 - Born September 8, 1793 - Carleton

LEBLANC MARIN son of Pierre and Marguerite Belliveau
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born August 8, 1770 - Baie Sainte Marie

LEBLANC MARCEL son of Jacques and Catherine Josephe Forest married Marie Josephe BREAU
daughter of Joseph and Ursule on November 10, 1760 - Restigouche

LEBLANC MARGUERITE daughter of Jean Baptiste and Marguerite Cormier
Baptized March 9, 1794 - Born January 26, 1794 - Caspédia

LEBLANC JULIE EDITH daughter of Jean and Charlotte Bujold
Baptized November 18, 1792 - Born September 29, 1792 - Carleton

LEBLANC MARIE HELAINE daughter of Jean and Charlotte Bujold
Baptized November 7, 1794 - Born November 7, 1794 - Carleton

LEBLANC MARIE SUSANNE daughter of Pierre and Madeleine Babin
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born April 24, 1764 - Baie Sainte Marie

LEBLANC TARSILE daughter of Benjamin and Judith Comeau
Baptized December 8, 1794 - Born October 20, 1793 - Carleton

LEBLANC PIERRE son of Joseph and Modeste Doucet
Baptized October 27, 1793 - Born June 5, 1793 – Nipisiguit/Bathurst

LEGALET PIERRE son of Jean and Marie Blondel married Esther RICHARD
daughter of Joseph and Luce Bourg on January 13, 1795 - Carleton

LEGOUFFE JULIE daughter of Aubin and Barbe Dupuis
Baptized May 1, 1774 - Born December 2, 1773 - Bonaventure

LEGOUFFE NICHOLAS son of Jean Baptiste and Marguerite Laviolette
Baptized July 22, 1792 - Born May 16, 1792 – Bonaventure

LELIEVRE DANIEL son of Daniel and Genevieve Baker
Baptized September 9, 1792 - Born January 2, 1792 – Grande Riviere

LELIEVRE JEAN son of Daniel and Genevieve Baker
Baptized September 21, 1790 - Born May 20, 1790 – Grande Riviere

LELIEVRE FRANCOISE daughter of Daniel and Genevieve Becard
Baptized August 10, 1793 - Born August 10, 1793 – Grande Riviere

LEVESQUE GENEVIEVE daughter of Francois and Marie Granger
Baptized January 5, 1793 - Born January 2, 1793 - Maria

LEVESQUE MARTHE daughter of Francois and Marie Granger
Baptized September 2, 1794 - Born September 1, 1794 - Maria

LINTON FRANCOIS ALEXIS EPHEMIEN son of Joseph and Anne Barriault
Baptized December 4, 1793 - Born same day - Baie des Chaleurs

LINTON MAGDELEINE VENERANTE daughter of Joseph and Anne Marie Barriault
Baptized October 1, 1793 - Born November 10, 1793 - Baie des Chaleurs

LOUBERT PIERRE BERNARD son of Pierre and Euphrosine Landry married Angelique LEBLANC
daughter of Joseph and Francoise Dugas on January 7, 1795 - Carleton

McGINNIS ALEXIS son of Ignace and Marie Louise Arbour
Baptized September 12, 1792 - Born June 30, 1792 - Percé

McGINNIS ISAAC IGNACE son of Ignace and Marie Louise Arbour - Baptized September 19, 1790 - Born April 7, 1790 - Percé

MAILLET CHARLES son of Salomon and Marie Saulnier married October 9, 1774 Marie LEBLANC
daughter of Jacques and Natalie Breau - October 9, 1774 – Port-Royal

MAILLET LOUIS-TRANQUILLE son of Salomon and Marguerite Leblanc
Baptized October 9, 1774 - Born March 25, 1772 - Port-Royal

MALLET THOMAS son of Jean and Marie Duguay
Baptized April 17, 1782 - Born December 22, 1780 - Paspébiac

MARTIN MADELEINE daughter of Joseph and Marie Lejeune
Baptized September 5, 1774 - Born February 8, 1772 - Riviere Saint Jean MARTIN MARGUERITE daughter of Amant and Agathe Lejeune
Baptized September 4, 1774 - Born November 15, 1772 - Riviere Saint Jean

MELANSON CHARLES son of Amant and Anne Leblanc
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born June 27, 1771 - Baie Sainte Marie

MELANSON FREDERIC son of Amant and Anne Leblanc
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born November 25, 1772 - Baie Sainte Marie

MELANSON JEAN BAPTISTE son of Charles and Anne Leger
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born February 25, 1774 - Baie Sainte Marie

MELANSON JEAN PIERRE son of Pierre and Rose Blanchard of the parish of St- Charles des Mines, Acadie
married Anne HACHE daughter of Charles and Genevieve Lavergne 7 June 1761 - Restigouche

MELANSON JOSEPH son of Pierre and Anne Melanson
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born June 29, 1770 - Baie Sainte Marie

MELANSON JOSEPH son of Charles and Anne Leger
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born November 14, 1771 - Baie Sainte Marie

MELANSON LOUIS son of Pierre and Henriette Hache married Marie Joseph HEBERT
daughter of Simon and Marie Caissie on October 30, 1792 – Nipissiguit/Bathurst

MELANSON LOUISE daughter of Jean and Madeleine Foret
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born September 3, 1774 - Baie Sainte Marie

MELANSON NATALIE daughter of Pierre and Anne Melanson
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born December 23, 1774 - Baie Sainte Marie

MERCIER AUGUSTIN son of Pierre and Genevieve Comeau
Baptized February 16, 1793 - Born February 12, 1792 - Maria

MERCIER MARIE SOPHIE daughter of Pierre and Genevieve Comeau
Baptized January 20, 1794 - Born January 20, 1794 - Maria

MERCIER PIERRE son of Joachim and Susanne Bilodeau married Genevieve COMEAU
daughter of Francois and Marie Leblanc on January 9, 1792 - Maria

METHOT MARIE ROSE daughter of Joseph and Louise Chartré
Baptized September 15, 1793 - Born August 20, 1793 - Grande Riviere

METHOT MARIE daughter of Joseph and Louise Chartier
Baptized September 12, 1790 - Born at Grande Riviere, on October 8, 1791 - Baie des Chaleurs

MICHEL LOUIS son of Louis and Magdelaine Thibodeau
Baptized September 4, 1774 - Born December 1, 1773 - Riviere Saint Jean

MICHEL PIERRE son of Francois and Anne Cronier
Baptized Aug. 24, 1790 - Born July 2, 1790 - Port Daniel

NADEAU ANGELIQUE daughter of Zacharie and Rebecca Allard
Baptized November 10, 1793 - Born August 20, 1793 - Carleton

NELLE ANNE daughter of George and Magdeleine Doiron
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born March 15, 1774 - Baie Sainte Marie

NELLE JEAN son of George and Magdelaine Doiron
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born March 15, 1770 - Baie Sainte Marie

NELLE MARIE daughter of George and Magdeleine Doiron
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born April 22, 1767 - Jean Gallant and Madeleine Bourg - Baie Sainte Marie

NELLE PIERRE son of George and Madeleine Doiron
Baptized October 23, 1774 - Born April 20, 1768 - Baie Sainte Marie

NORMANDEAU JOSEPH son of Louis and Felicité Audet dit Lapointe
Baptized July 18, 1793 - Born July 18, 1793 - Carleton

NORMANDEAU NICHOLAS son of Louis and Félicité Audet
Baptized November 22, 1791 - Born November 21, 1791 - Carleton

NUIRAT DAVID son of Jean and Francoise Bertrand
Baptized May 9, 1760 - Born January 22, 1760 - Restigouche

NUIRAT SIMON died May 8, 1759 – Funeral May 9, 1759 – Restigouche

OLIVIER ANNE daughter of Francois and Anne Cronier
Baptized April 17, 1782 - Born June 15, 1781 - Riviere Saint Jean

PHILIPPE ANDRE son of Guillaume and Marie Rose Boiselie married Genevieve AUDET
daughter of Gabriel and Felicité Aubois/Hautbois – November 14, 1791 - Carleton

PHILIPPE MARIE ANGELIQUE daughter of Andre and Genevieve Audet
Baptized November 19, 1794 - Born November 19, 1794 - Carleton

PHILIPPE PAUL son of Andre and Genevieve Audet
Baptized February 20, 1793 - Born February 20, 1793 - Carleton

PINET ANNE MARGUERITE daughter of Pierre and Marie Vienneau
Baptized September 5, 1774 - Born April 18, 1773 - Riviere Saint Jean

PINET PIERRE son of Pierre and Marie Vienneau
Baptized September 5, 1774 - Born June 9, 1770 - Riviere Saint Jean

PITRE JEAN BAPTISTE, widow of Elizabeth Robichaud married Marguerite ARSENEAU
daughter of Pierre and Marguerite Cormier on July 28, 1760 - Restigouche

PITRE JULIE daughter of Michel and Marguerite Boudreau
Baptized October 30, 1792 - Born November 9, 1791 - Pisiguit

PLOURDE FRANCOIS son of Joseph and Marie Anastasie Arbour
Baptized September 9, 1793, - Born December 15, 1792 - Perce

PLOURDE MARIE JULIE daughter of Joseph and Marie Anastasie Arbour
Baptized September 25, 1791 - Born December 21, 1790 - Percé

POIRIER ABRAHAM son of Michel and Madeleine Bourgeois married Agnes BELLIVEAU
daughter of Charles and Marie Melanson on January 7, 1761
The groom was from the parish of Beaubassin and the bride from the parish of Port-Royal - Restigouche

POIRIER MADELEINE twin daughter of Claude Poirier and Marguerite Cyr
Baptized May 13, 1760 - Born May 13, 1760 – Restigouche

POIRIER ESTHER twin daughter of Claude Poirier and Marguerite Cyr
Baptized May 13, 1760 - Born May 13, 1760 - Restigouche

POIRIER FABIEN son of Pierre and Marguerite Leblanc
Baptized April 15, 1775 - Born November 10, 1774 - Bonaventure

POIRIER FELICITE daughter of Hilaire and Angelique Dugas
Baptized July 22, 1792 - Born June 3, 1792 - Carleton

POIRIER FIRMIN son of Michel and Judith Richard
Baptized September 2, 1760 - Restigouche

POIRIER HILAIRE son of Pierre and Anne Gaudet
Baptized April 16, 1775 - Born March 11, 1775 - Bonaventure

POIRIER MARIE VENERANTE daughter of Charles and Claire Bujold
Baptized April 17, 1782 - Born February 20, 1782 - Bonaventure

PORLIER FRANCOIS ALEXIS son of Cyprien and Cecile Granger married Euphrosine LANDRY daughter of Charles and Marie Girouard on January 10, 1792 - Petitcoudiac

PORLIER ANGELIQUE daughter of Jean Baptiste and Lucie Arseneau
Baptized March 11, 1792 - Born Aug.23, 1791 - Carleton

PORLIER HILARION son of Francois Alexis and Euphrosine Landry
Baptized August 31, 1794 – Born July 21, 1794 - Carleton

PORLIER JEAN LOUIS son of Jean Baptiste and Lucie Arseneau
Baptized November 10, 1793 - Born September 16, 1793 - Carleton

PORLIER JOSEPH son of Francois Alexis and Euphrosine Landry
Baptized December 3, 1792 – December 3, 1792 - Carleton

PORLIER JOSEPH son of Cyprien and Cecile Granger married Marthe BUJOLD
daughter of Charles and Marguerite Cormier on November 18, 1793 - Bonaventure

PREJEAN JOSEPH son of Amand and Magdeleine Martin
Baptized May 12, 1760 - Born December 15, 1759 - Restigouche

PROULX PIERRE son of Pierre and Marie Louise Laflamme
Baptized September 16, 1790 - Born at Riviere au Renard on August 18, 1789 – Riviere au Renard

BLAIS RENE son of Antoine and Louise Marie Chartier married Therese SAINFILS
daughter of Paul and Catherine David, on August 30, 1790 - Carleton

RAIL/REHEL LOUIS son of Antoine and Marie Genevieve Bourget
Baptized September 12, 1792 - Born April 1, 1792 – Percé

RANCHÉ JACQUES ANTOINE ( Pierre) officer of the King of the parish of Saint Roc Sonier married Mariette VINCENT
daughter of Pierre and Anne Comeau, of the parish of Petitcoudiac - Restigouche

RICHARD CHARLES JOSEPH son of Charles and Madeleine Bonnevie
Baptized May 13, 1760 - Born December 28, 1759 - Restigouche

RICHARD FRANCOIS son of Jean Baptiste and Rosalie Gaudet
Baptized April 15, 1775 - Born November 7, 1774 - Bonaventure

RICHARD JEAN BENONI son of Amable and Maguerite Boudreau
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born June 8, 1772 - Baie Sainte Marie

RICHARD JOSEPH son of Joseph and Agnes Poirier
Baptized July 5, 1761 – Born July 5, 1761 - Restigouche

RIEL THOMAS son of Antoine and Genevieve Bourgeois
Baptized September 21, 1790 - Born May 2, 1790 - Percé

RINY LAURENT son of Laurent and Marguerite Willy
Baptized September 1, 1793 - Born March 4, 1792 - Perce ROBICHAUD CHARLES, widow of Marguerite Blanchard married Marie PITRE
daughter of Jean and Judith Theriault, on July 28, 1760 - Restigouche

ROBICHAUD FRANCOIS son of Francois and Osithe Leblanc married Pelagie ALLARD
daughter of Charles and Agnes Comeau on November 21, 1791 - Carleton

ROBICHAUD JEAN BAPTISTE MICHEL son of Michel and Francoise Landry
Baptized April 16, 1776 - Born January 15, 1776 - Bonaventure

ROBICHAUD JEAN BAPTISTE son of Isidore and Marguerite Boudreau
Baptized April 15, 1775 - Born March 18, 1774 - Bonaventure

ROBICHAUD JOSEPH August 9, 1760 son of Joseph 30 months of age

ROBICHAUD MARIE FRANCOIS daughter of Jean and Marie Levron
Baptized September 15, 1774 - Born October 8, 1773 – Kennebeccassis

ROUSSIE/ROUSSY ELIZABETH daughter of Pierre Leon and Anne Chapados
Baptized April 28, 1774 - Born August 7, 1773 - Paspébiac

ROUSSIE JEANSON of Lazarre and Marguerite Roussie
Baptized September 18, 1790 - Born April 12, 1790 - Baie des Chaleurs

ROUSSIE LOUIS son of Pierre Leon and Anne Chapados, married Angelique PARISE daughter of Michel and Marie Albert, on September 29, 1792 - Paspébiac

ROUSSIE MARTHE daughter of Pierre Leon and Genevieve Parise
Baptized September 29, 1793 - Born November 8, 1792 – Paspébiac

ROY MADELEINE daughter of Joseph and Madeleine Daigle
Baptized October 28, 1792 - Born April 6, 1792 – Nipisiguit

SAVOIE ANNE daughter of Andre and Marie Arbour
Baptized September 4, 1774 - Born September 29, 1771 - Riviere Saint Jean

SAVOIE CHARLES son of Francois and Marie Richard of Chipoudie married Judith ARSENEAU
daughter of Claude and Marguerite Richard of Malpec on January 17, 1761 - Restigouche

SAVOIE JUDITH daughter of Andre and Therese Arbour
Baptized September 15, 1774 - Born August 20, 1770 – Riviere Saint Jean

SIMON MARGUERITE November 11, 1759 Funeral conducted by Father Etienne, priest
Marguerite was from la Riviere Saint Jean

ST COEUR BENOIT son of Pierre and Euphrosine Leblanc - Baptized January 2, 1792 - Born January 1, 1792 - Carleton

ST COEUR MARIE SOPHIE daughter of Pierre and Euphrosine Leblanc
Baptized October 20, 1793 - Born October 7, 1793 - Carleton

STIBRE GENEVIEVE daughter of Philippe Henri and Felicite Huret-Rochefort
Baptized September 25, 1791 - Born August 14, 1791 – Grande Riviere

SUINY ELIE son of Martin and Marie Bourg
Baptized September 21, 1790 - Born March 27, 1790 - Percé

SURETTE ANNE daughter of Joseph and Isabelle Babino
Baptized September 22, 1774 - Born August 20, 1772 – Memramcook

SYNETTE EDOUARD son of William and Jeanne O’Neil marriage rehabilitation to Marie Josette ROBERT
daughter of Francois and Therese Boiselle September 10, 1790 - Riviere au Renard

SYNETTE MARGUERITE daughter of Edouard and Marie Josette Robert
Baptized September 9, 1790 - Born December 20, 1789 - Riviere au Renard

SYNETTE MARIE daughter of Edouard and Marie Josette Robert
Baptized September 9, 1790 - Born February 20, 1788 - Riviere au Renard

TARDIF JACQUES son of Francois and Marie Tardif of the parish of St Michel married Anne HACHE
daughter of Jean and Marguerite Gravois, of the parish of Ste Anne Beaubassin, on January 7, 1771 – Restigouche

THEBAULT MARIE CHRISTINE daughter of Mathurin and Catherine Duval
Baptized October 27, 1793 - Born October 10, 1793 - Nipisiguit

THERIAULT BENONIE son of Joseph and Madeleine Thibodeau
Baptized September 15, 1774 - Born September 1, 1773 – Riviere Saint Jean

THERIAULT FRANCOIS son of Joseph and Marie Girouard
Baptized September 4, 1774 - Born December 22, 1771 - Riviere Saint Jean

THERIAULT GERMAIN son of Joseph and Madeleine Thibodeau
Baptized September 15, 1774 - Born March 5, 1772 – Riviere Saint Jean

THERIAULT JEAN son of Hilarion and Marie Belliveau
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born December 18, 1772 - Baie Sainte Marie

THIBODEAU ANNE MARIE daughter of Charles and Felicite Dugas
Baptized October 14, 1774 - Born March 7, 1773 - Baie Sainte Marie

THIBODEAU CHARLES son of Rene and Anne Boudreau married Felicite DUGAS
daughter of Paul and Brigitte Melanson October 18, 1774 - Baie Sainte Marie

THIBODEAU ETIENNE son of Rene and Anne Boudreau married October 18, 1774 Marie THIBEAULT daughter of Yvon and Francoise Melanson - Baie Sainte Marie

THIBODEAU FIRMIN son of Olivier and Madeleine Pothier
Baptized September 15, 1774 - Born September 25, 1770 – Riviere Saint Jean

THIBODEAU MARGDELEINE daughter of Olivier and Madeleine Pothier
Baptized September 15, 1774 - Born May 15, 1771 – Riviere Saint Jean

THIBODEAU PAUL son of Olivier and Madelaine Pothier
Baptized on September 15, 1774 - Born on January 13, 1774 – Riviere Saint Jean

THIBODEAU TECLE MARIE daughter of Germain and Marie Babineau
Baptized September 22, 1774 - Born July 20, 1770 – Petitcoudiac

VALET ALEXIS son of Francois and Marianne Valet
Baptized September 12, 1791 - Born April 21, 1791 - Baie des Chaleurs

VIENNEAU PETRONILLE daughter of Jean Baptiste and Madeleine Lejeune
Baptized October 27, 1793 - Born April 15, 1793 - Nipisiguit

VIGNEAU FRANCOIS MARIE son of Francois and Marie Cormier
Baptized May 9, 1760 - Born on May 3, 1760 - Restigouche

VIGNEAU MARIE ANNE daughter of Joseph and Madeleine Cyr
Baptized April 17, 1761 - Restigouche

VIOLETTE AUGUSTIN son of Francois and Marie Luce Thibodeau
Baptized September 15, 1774 - Born September 15, 1772 - Kennebeccassis

VIOLETTE MARGUERITE daughter of Francois and Marie Luce Thibodeau
Baptized September 15, 1774 - Born July 25, 1770 - Kennebeccassis

VIOLETTE MARIE GENEVIEVE daughter of Francois and Marie Luce Thibodeau
Baptized September 15, 1774 - Born March 15, 1774 - Kennebeccassis


Les Régistres de la Gaspésie by Father Patrice Gallant
Histoire de la Famille de Michel Boudrot by Stephen A. White published by l’Association des Boudreau of New Brunswick
Dictionnaire généalogique des familles acadiennes by Stephen A. White i.e. DGFA-2 Transcriptions of parish registers for Baie des Chaleurs to which many corrections have been made before posting to this web site.

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